Maggie Nicols
Photo by Seán Kelly
Maggie Nicols joined London’s legendary Spontaneous Music Ensemble in 1968 as a free improvisation vocalist.
She then became active running voice workshops with an involvement in local experimental theatre.
She later joined the group Centipede, led by Keith Tippets and in 1977, with musician/composer Lindsay Cooper, formed the remarkable Feminist Improvising Group.
She continues performing and recording challenging and beautiful work, in music and theatre, either in collaborations with a range of artists ( Irene Schweitzer, Joelle Leandre, Ken Hyder, Caroline Kraabel) as well as solo.
Mopomoso Apperances: 14
Mopomoso Live
Mopomoso Live
Mopomoso Christmas Party
Mopomoso Live
Mopomoso Christmas Party
Afternoon Sessions
Mopomoso Christmas Party
Afternoon Sessions
Mopomoso Christmas Party
Fête Quaqua
Quaqua Anglo Austria
Afternoon Sessions
Afternoon Sessions
Afternoon Sessions
- Afternoon Sessions
- 5
- Fête Quaqua
- 1
- Mopomoso Christmas Party
- 4
- Mopomoso Live
- 3
- Quaqua Anglo Austria
- 1
- Dave Fowler
- 1
- Satoko Fukuda
- 1
- Joanne Morrison
- 1
- Phil Minton
- 1