18 August 2024

Mark Hewins & Alex Ward

Mark Hewins has worked extensively with various Canterbury scene musicians, including Elton Dean and Hugh Hopper.

Alex Ward is a composer, improviser and performing musician (primarily on clarinet and guitar) based in London. He leads various ensembles under the heading of the Item Series to perform his compositions for improvising musicians, and he is a member of many other groups including legendary rock band Pere Ubu.

Neil Metcalfe, Barry John Edwards & Colin Somervell

Neil Metcalfe (flute), has been active on the London improvising scene since the 70’s.

Born in Chester, Barry John Edwards, also known as Bazmatronics is a musician, composer and improviser based in Wales, U.K. He is a graduate of the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire in jazz and regular contributor to the improvisational scene in both the U.K and Spain. Barry is known for his music contribution to the Netflix series Spy Ops.

Colin Somervell is as happy performing melodic free improvisation or playing in neo rembetica bands (Trio Tekke) and is also in demand as a free jazz musician.

Caroline Kraabel & Veryan Weston

Caroline Kraabel has performed and recorded with improvisers including Robert Wyatt, Louis Moholo, Cleveland Watkiss, Hyelim Kim, Annie Lewandowski, Susan Alcorn, Mark Sanders and Veryan Weston (the trio CD – Playtime, and a duo CD project on Emanem - Five Shadows.

Veryan Weston is best-known for his work with such British musicians as saxophonist Lol Coxhill, vocalist Phil Minton and Trevor Watts who he is still working with in the ‘Dialogues’ duo as well as their current trio – ‘Eternal Triangle’ having recently released two CDs - “Gravity” and in Netherlands “Moving On”.

Vortex Jazz Club, 11 Gillett Square, London, N16 8AZ
2pm, 18 August 2024
£12, £8