15 September 2024


Over the years Chris Hill, Alan Newcombe and James O'Sullivan have played as regulars at Eddie Prevost’s Workshop and as performers in their own right on the London improvisation and sound art scene. More recently pursuing their own brand of maximal improvisation as LUFT, the trio thrives on a no compromise approach that may lurch between cinematic rumblings, fractured keening, or melancholic disarray at the drop of a hat.

David Ryan & Dominic Lash

David Ryan is a visual artist and musician. He has long been associated with experimental music and improvisation, having performed with many distinguished musicians including Anton Lukoszevieze, John Edwards, Ian Mitchell, Alberto Popolla, John Tilbury, Luca Venitucci, Gianni Trovalusci amongst others.

Dominic Lash is a freely improvising double bassist and electric guitarist who the Free Jazz Collective has called an “exceptional creative musician”. He also both writes and performs composed music and, as an academic, researches and writes about film.

Andrew Ciccone, Gina Southgate, Ivor Kallin & Bettina Schroeder

Andrew Ciccone is a multimedia artist and trash collector from New York. Since migrating to London Andrew has doubled down on his artistic output with deep ventures into live improvisation, paper collage, metalwork, abstract videos and prose. He also runs the Navel-Gazers interview series with recording artists and the No Computers improv event series.

Gina Southgate is best known on the international jazz scene where she produces spectacular, qualitative, real time paintings. For over three decades she’s painted at gigs and festivals capturing the vitality and nuance in her unique portraits of world class musicians.

Ivor Kallin plays viola with the London Improvisers Orchestra, electric violin with Electrio, bass and voice with the Glowering Figs, and hosts a weekly radio show on Resonance FM as Ambrosia Rasputin, and the last time he had his hair cut, it cost 30p.

Bettina Schroeder is a London-based multimedia artist. Her works include painting, installation, sound art, music, poetry and video.

Vortex Jazz Club, 11 Gillett Square, London, N16 8AZ
2pm, 15 September 2024
£12, £8