Mopomoso Digital 4 - Sunday 20th September @ 14.00 PM (UK Time)

Welcome to the premiere of Mopomoso Digital Episode 4, featuring contributions from the wonderful world of free improvisation.

Mix yourself a Mopomoso cocktail from our virtual bar, Charlotte Keeffe recipe, and join us in the chat room: Grab your favourite glass, add some ice cubes, fill it mostly with yummy tomato juice, add a splash of lemon juice, Worcester sauce and Tabasco sauce and a pinch of black pepper, pop in a couple of celery sticks and enjoy! Add a splash of vodka if you fancy alcohol.

Taking part are:

In a piece called ‘See you later Darling’ Chris Hill (film, guitar, objects, piano, pedals) and Ed Shipsey (piano, objects, voice, body)

Emi Watanabe (ryuteki) and Clive Bell (shakuhachi) with a film shot by Clive at NicK Collins’s pottery in Devon.

Stephan Keune (saxophone) and Hans Schneider (bass) filmed especially for the programme and playing live in Germany.

This is followed by a short piece with Susanna Ferrar ‘Where the Water’, filmed by Helen Petts and was originally recorded as part of Taps, a memorial event for Paul Burwell.

Following on is the trio of Mario Mattos (cello), Maria Gouvea (voice) and Thomas Rohrer (rabeca) recorded over Zoom.

The next very short piece is Phil Minton singing to insects in his garden which he calls ‘Happy Little Fellows’.

Another Zoom session follows, this time a duo from Raymond McDonald and Maria Sappho entitled ‘The Eyes Have It’

There is more nature with ‘The eruption of the Island of Shells’ by Martin Trippett who made both the film and plays the piano.

Then comes another Helen Petts clip, this time from the Freedom of the City festival 2010 and featuring Leo Smith trumpet), Louis Moholo Moholo (drums) and Steve Noble (drums).

Mike Cooper comes in with a rooftop bar solo using a laptop guitar app. for a smartphone and finally, there is a previously unreleased duo clip from a solo of Masahuru Showji (shakuhachi) and John Russell (guitar) from a Mopomoso concert that took place at the Vortex just before lockdown.

Do join us for the live premiere and tell your friends. Have fun!