Mopomoso TV April 2022

John Russell Japan Tribute Concerts were held several times in Japan in January and February 2022. In cooperation with each organizer, Mopomoso Japan team provides short archives of the shows.

Thanks; Hisashi Terauchi, Yutaka Oki, Kazue Yokoi, Akira Saito, Shiqi Du, Jaewon Lee, Minghan Ma, Fei Zhang, Junkai Zhang, Muchenyu Zhong, Gallery Nomart, Musashino Art University

  1. Akio Suzuki solo at Alley Hall, Shimokitazawa, Tokyo on 23rd January 2022.

  2. Christophe Charles (guitar, electronics), Ko Ishikawa (sho), suzueri (piano, toy-piano) at Alley Hall, Shimokitazawa, Tokyo on 22nd January 2022.

  3. Tetuzi Akiyama (guitar), Ken Ikeda (electronics), Yumiko Tanaka (shamisen) at Alley Hall, Shimokitazawa, Tokyo on 22nd January 2022.

  4. Tetuzi Akiyama (guitar), Christophe Charles (guitar, electronics), Ken Ikeda (electronics), Ko Ishikawa (sho), suzueri (piano, toy-piano), Yumiko Tanaka (shamisen) at Alley Hall, Shimokitazawa, Tokyo on 22nd January 2022.

  • There were three concerts in Tokyo on the 22nd (Tetuzi Akiyama, Ken Ikeda, Yumiko Tanaka, Ko Ishikawa, Christophe Charles, suzueri), the 23rd (Akio Suzuki solo) in January at Alley Hall Shimokitazawa, and the 12th of February (Min Tanaka, Akira Sakata, Ken Ikeda) at Session House Kagurazaka. Mopomoso April provides archives of January 22 and 23 from among them.
  1. Sabu Toyozumi (drums), Masaharu Showji (sax), sara (.es / piano) on 5th Februrary 2022 at Concert for John Russell at Gallery Nomart, Osaka. Art work: Kohei Nawa.
  • During the 2018 Japan tour, it was the first and last time John Russell went to Gallery Nomart with Ståle Liavik Solberg (drums), and performed with .es (Takayuki Hashimoto & sara). This time the three musicians, Sabu Toyozumi (drums), who was John’s closest Japanese friend who invited John to perform in Japan six times, Masaharu Showji (sax), another close friend of John’s, and sara (.es / piano), who performed with John twice, brought the spontaneous sound as a “present" that should be delivered to the legend in heaven.
  1. Helen Petts

Film In Alleycumfree 2022 14’ colour and b&w. Made by John’s friend and fellow Mopomoso member in the churchyard where he is buried in Kent, England. With music by John Russell.

The title comes from an old Kentish word for nowhere.