Mopomoso TV - January 2021 - Sunday 17th January @ 2pm

Hi folks & a very warm Mopomoso welcome to our January 2021 Mopomoso TV instalment!

Mopomoso TV team’s, Charlotte Keeffe, recommends accompanying this episode by making and sipping a Mega Ginger Mopomoso Grapefruit Spritzer! Pop some ice cubes into your favourite glass and then fill about 75% of it with some yummy ginger beer/ale, easy! Now, pour some grapefruit juice in and a spirit of your choice if you wish, stir and sip! Garnish with mint leaves and cranberries for wintery, refreshing tones…

And off we go!

Knockouts with Low Notes -

Rosy Chen with an improvisation on a Montenegro folk melody -

Petero Kalulé & Ed Shipsey with an extract from a no longer live stream -

Mark Browne with Wrinkles and Grimaces -

Maggie Nicols & Faradena Afifi: Maggie & Fara met in 2014 & they currently meet regularly to play together on Zoom; Fara is a Tai Chi Instructor & also runs workshops for exploring movement and improvisation. You can find out about these at the following links; &

Stefan Keune & Hans Schneider - &

Steve Beresford -

Dee Byrne with Rain -

Martin Harrison (sculpture), Catherine Pluygers, Sue Ferrar, Sue Lynch, Neil Metcalfe, Adrian Northover, Adam Bohman;

The MirroR Unit: Tim O’Dwyer, altosaxophone + preparations, Georg Wissel, altosaxophone + preparations, two saxophones, two improvisers and two explorers, recorded and filmed by T.O’Dwyer and G. Wissel on November, 6, 2020. The MirroR unit represents the synergy and intricate level of communication that can only happen when two improvisers at the top of their game meet in concert. Technically the two alto saxophone players cover the whole gamut of conventional and extended sounds to be created on the instruments and cover a wide spectrum of approaches and styles in addition to a rich and subtle pallet of textures derived from their use of preparations– this is especially so in the case of Georg Wissel’s armoury of objects that have been meticulously researched over time to extend the sonic capacity of the alto saxophone. In turn, Wissel’s subtle colouring is met head-on by Tim O’Dwyer’s punchy articulated phrasing.

TMU has been performing together since 2014 across Germany, South East Asia and Australia.

They released their debut CD ‘Wind Makes Weather’, on Creative Sources in 2014 and are looking

to release their second live recording in 2021.

John Russell (guitar) and Roger Turner (drums) filmed by mcddavid (previously unreleased) during jmi Jazzwoche 2010, 2nd of November when Helen Petts was presenting a collection of her films at Kino im Sprengel, Hannover, Germany (;

Helen Petts filmed also the whole concert:

jmi Jazzwoche 2010, 2nd of November:

Helen Petts presenting a collection of her films

Kino im Sprengel, Hannover, Germany

Watch also:

Thank you for tuning into Mopomoso TV today, the next episode/premiere is on Sunday 21st February at 2pm, we look forward to ‘seeing’ you then…

Please follow Mopomoso TV on Twitter (@MopomosoT), Instagram (@Mopomoso) & Facebook (@MopomosoTV) & do visit our website - - to complete a submission form for video contributions, watch teasers, revisit 2020’s Holiday Season Specials & more…

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