Simon McCorry

Simon has been creating music and sound design for theatre & contemporary dance for 20 years years, working with companies such as Headlong, Old Vic Productions, Tiata Fahodzi, House of Absolute, Javaad Alipoor Company & Fabula Collective.

He is an accomplished cellist and uses the instrument in his own work often processing & combining it with electronics.

More recently he has concentrated on his own solo output with performance & recording under his own name. His work has been described as “electro-orchestral drone-scapes of, by turns, gauzy intimacy and soaring grandeur”, “highly evocative work of the otherworldly transforms the recognizable into something mysterious, even on occasion, the supernatural”.

Being of mixed British/ Indian ethnicity & recently diagnosed with epilepsy these experiences inform & guide his practice, exploring themes of otherness and fragility.

Simon’s latest release, Mouthful of Dust is out on on Polar Sea Recordings:


Mopomoso Apperances: 1

Afternoon Sessions


Afternoon Sessions
