17 August 2010

Third and final day of Fete Quaqua 2010. Sets in order of preformance.

16 August 2010

Second day of Fete Quaqua 2010

15 August 2010

First day of John Russell’s annual Fete Quaqua which took place on the 15th, 16th and 17th of August 2010. Originally used as a name for a weekly club for improvised music, the first Quaqua groups performed in the early 1980’s under the heading ‘Fete Quaqua’ at the now defunct London Musicians’ Collective building in Camden Town. The basic idea behind all Quaqua projects being to extend existing collaborations in juxtaposition with new groupings and thus provide a fertile ground for free improvisation.

18 July 2010

  • Josef Klammer & Seppo Gründler
  • Dave Tucker, Dave Solomon, Sonia Paco Rocchia, Ricardo Tejero & Pat Thomas
  • Satoko Fukuda & John Russell

20 June 2010

  • Gus Garside & Dan Powell
  • Guillaume Viltard
  • Kay Grant & Alex Ward
  • Luo Chao yun & John Russell

16 May 2010

  • Angel Faraldo, Yolanda Uriz, Ricardo Tejero & Will Connor
  • Elisabeth Harnik
  • Nicola Guazzaloca, Hannah Marshall & Gianni Mimmo
  • Tony Marsh & John Russell

18 April 2010

  • Viv Corringham & Dave Tucker
  • Heddy Boubaker
  • Chefa Alonso, Eugene Martynec & Barbara Meyer
  • Henry Lowther & John Russell

21 March 2010

  • Steve Beresford & Ute Kanngieser
  • Pascal Marzan
  • The Alan Wilkinson, Alan Wilkinson, Pat Thomas & Mark Sanders
  • John Russell & Paul G Smyth

28 February 2010

  • Stephen Grew & Mick Beck
  • LULL, Tanja Feichtmair, Josef Novotny, Uli Winter & Fredi Proll
  • John Russell & Harri Sjoestrom

17 January 2010

  • Mila Dores, Yvonna Magda, Derek Saw & Charlie Collins
  • Yoko Miura
  • Evan Parker, John Edwards & John Russell

20 December 2009

  • Dominic Lash, Rick Jensen & Dave Solomon
  • Andrea Caputo & Noel Taylor
  • Eugene Martynec, Adrian Northover & Adam Bohman
  • Tania Chen, Lol Coxhill & Dominic Lash
  • Jez Parfett
  • Hannah Marshall, Roger Turner & Tim Hodgkinson
  • John Russell & Ian Diplock
  • Hannah Marshall, Alison Blunt, Sylvia Hallett & Tania Chen
  • Marillsa Gouvea, Macio Mattos, Rodrigo Montoya & Terry Day
  • Neil Metcalf & Olie Brice
  • Matthew Hutchinson, Ricardo Tejero, Olie Brice & Dave Solomon
  • Lol Coxhill, Will Connor, John Russell & Kay Grant
  • Steve Beresford, Satoko Fukuda, Hannah Marshall & Roger Turner
  • Happy Birthday John Russell !
  • Maggie Nicols, Dave Fowler & Phil Minton
  • Beresford, Wilkinson, Solomon, Brice & Jensen
  • Sylvia Hallett
  • John Russell, Satoko Fukuda & Maggie Nicols
  • Tania Chen & Steve Beresford
  • Ricardo Tejero, Dominic Lash, Angel Farraldo & Yolanda Uriz
  • Hannah Marshall & Kay Grant
  • Tony Marsh, Matt Hutchinson & Olie Brice

15 November 2009

  • John Russell & Roger Turner
  • Trio Filario Farinoppa
  • Claudia Ulla Binder
  • Alex Maguire & Simon Picard
  • Lawrence Casserley & Adam Linson
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