17 November 2013
To coincide with the 2013 London Jazz Festival a concert from guitarist John Russell’s Quaqua group, this time as a 14 piece international ensemble. The evening starts and finishes with the full ensemble and in between are smaller combinations picked by Russell. The individual musician’s experiences cover an enormous range and there is a similarly wide diversity in their approaches to playing music. The common ground is a shared love of free improvisation and a desire to play music together.
20 October 2013
- Kay Grant, Daniel Thompson, Benedict Taylor & Alex Ward
- Yoko Miura & Charlie Collins
- Richard Barrett, Paul Obermayer & John Russell
15 September 2013
- Stefan Keune, Dominic Lash & Steve Noble
- Shih Yang Lee
- Satoko Fukuda, Henry Lowther & John Russell
20 August 2013
Tutti Smyth, Lauro, Musson, Solberg Houtkamp, Burn, Wassermann, Linson , Casserley Eldridge, Blunt, Russell Houtkamp , Smyth , Musson , Lauro, Burn, Linson, Solberg Blunt, Solberg, Casserley Smyth, Eldridge, Wassermann, Russell Tutti
19 August 2013
Tutti Smyth, Solberg, Houtkamp, Casserley Blunt, Musson, Linson, Russell Burn, Lauro. Wassermann, Eldridge Blunt, Burn, Solbderg, Linson, Musson Houtkamp, Wassermann, Casserley Eldridge, Blunt, Linson Smyth, Eldridge, Lauro, Russell Tutti
18 August 2013
Tutti Linson, Musson, Smyth Burn, Casserley, Eldridge, Lauro ### Houtkamp, Russell, Solberg Blunt, Wassermann Blunt, Burn, Lauro, Linson Casserley, Houtkamp, Lauro, Musson, Smyth, Solberg Eldridge , Russell, Wassermann Tutti
21 July 2013
- Jim Dvorak & Mark Hewins
- Dave Tucker, Pat Thomas, Phil Minton & Roger Turner
- Maggie Nicols, John Russell & Mia Zabelka
18 June 2013
- Gunther Christmann, Elke Schipper & John Russell
16 June 2013
- Phil Marks, Paul Obermayer & Rex Casswell
- Audrey Lauro
- Gunter Christmann, Elke Schipper & Le Quan Ninh
19 May 2013
- Jorn Erik Ahlsen & Stian Larsen
- Cyril Bondi & d’incise
- Phil Minton & John Russell
21 April 2013
- Caroline Kraabel, John Edwards & Richard E Harrison
- Dario Fariello
- Adam Linson & John Russell
17 March 2013
- Guillermo Torres, Marcio Mattos & Adrian Northover
- Gianni Mimmo, Gianni Lenoci & Christiano Calcagnile
- Mark Sanders, Alison Blunt & Elaine Mitchener