21 December 2014
A highlight on the improvising calendar, it’s that time of year again for the delights of our Christmas party. A chance to hook up with old friends and meet new ones, it’s a great way to see some fine musicians in a more informal setting and experience the wide variety to be found in this music.
This year’s event takes place in the afternoon, and heralds a move to afternoon concerts – still on the third Sunday of the month – in 2015.
16 November 2014
- Martin Speake & Mark Sanders
- Richard Scott, Adam Linson, Phil Marks & David Birchall
- Kay Grant & Marcio Mattos
- Phil Wachsmann & Matt Hutchinson
19 October 2014
- Yoko Miura, Jean Michel van Shouwburg & Lawrence Casserley
- Anthony Donovan, Matt Chilton & Noura Sanatian
- Guylaine Cosseron, Phil Minton & John Russell
21 September 2014
- Emilio Gordoa & Roland Ramanan
- Dave Tucker, John Rangecroft & Marcio Mattos
- Pat Thomas & Emi Watanabe
- Stefan Keune & John Russell
17 August 2014
FÊTE QUAQUA 2014 Since it’s inception in 1982 guitarist John Russell’s Fete Quaqua has brought together different musicians from around the world to share in a programme of free improvisation. Although some of the musicians have never played together before there are always existing collaborative strands to be found within the larger group. It is this development of existing traditions alongside the juxtaposition of previously divergent elements that Russell believes provide a fertile base for the musician’s improvisations.
20 July 2014
QUAQUA ANGLO AUSTRIA With thanks to the Austrian Cultural Forum we present a two night Anglo Austrian improvised music meeting with Steve Beresford (piano / electronics) / Tanja Feichtmair (sax) / Satoko Fukuda (violin) / Henry Lowther (trumpet) / Maggie Nichols (voice) / Mario Rechtern (sax) / John Russell (guitar) / Roger Turner (drums / percussion) / Mia Zabelka (violin / voice).
Each night will have a different programme of smaller combinations and also feature a large group with everyone playing together.
15 June 2014
- Seth Bennett, Shaun Blezard, Anton Hunter, Rachel Musson, Shelly Knotts, Julie Kjaer & Steve Beresford
- Arthur Bull, Pascal Marzan & John Russell
18 May 2014
- Chris Burn & Matt Hutchinson
- Jim Dvorak & Harrison Smith
- Paul Pignon & Thomas Bjelkeborn
- Phil Minton & John Russell
20 April 2014
- Neil Metcalfe & Daniel Thompson
- Viv Corringham & Lawrence Casserley
- Caroline Kraabel, John Edwards & Cleveland Watkiss
16 March 2014
- Andrea Caputo & Massimo Semprini
- Stephen Grew
- Nick Malcolm, Hannah Marshall & Lauren Kinsella
- John Russell & Kay Grant
16 February 2014
- Noel Taylor, Tom Wheatley, John Garcia & Tommaso Vespo
- Ian Simpson, John Jasnoch & Neil Carver
- Alice Eldridge, Satoko Fukuda & John Russell
19 January 2014
- Nicola Guazzaloca & Hannah Marshall
- Dave Tucker
- Urs Leimgruber & John Russell