17 October 2016
After the success of the first in our series of workshop concerts featuring the Mopomoso workshop group with the duo of Natalie Sandtorv (voice) and Ole Mofjell (drums) the group welcomes saxophonist Per Gardin to join in the fun.
The residents will play the first set followed by a set from Per and then they will play together.
16 October 2016
- Gus Garside & Annie Kerr
- Per Gardin
- Sarah Gail Brand Quartet, Sarah Gail Brand, Mark Sanders, Phil Minton & Veryan Weston
- Yoko Miura & John Russell
18 September 2016
- Edward Lucas, Daniel Kordik & Ken Ikeda
- Ole Mofjell & Natalie Sandtorv
- Paul Pignon
- Mike Gennaro & John Russell
21 August 2016
Fête Quaqua 2016 Both the audience and the musicians share in the discovery of a music as it happens, making for a uniquely rewarding experience. An international cast of musicians will be playing in a variety of different combinations, which won’t be repeated, ensuring that no two shows will be the same.
Ståle Liavik Solberg (drums/percussion) Adam Linson (bass, electronics) Paul G. Smyth (piano) John Russell (guitar) Alice Eldridge (cello, feedback cello) Stefan Keune (saxophone) Julia Kjaer (saxophone, flute) Chris Burn (trumpet, piano, electronics) Martin Mayes (french horn, alphorn) Edward Lucas (trombone) Charlotte Hug (viola, voice) Mia Zabelka (violin, voice) Ute Wassermann (voice & birdcall whistles/resonating objects) Maggie Nicols (voice) Lawrence Casserley (electronics) ABOUT THE MUSICIANS Ståle Liavik Solberg (drums/percussion) Ståle Liavik Solberg has made a base for himself within Oslo’s thriving improvised music scene where he plays a central role as one of the driving forces behind the series Blow Out!
17 July 2016
- Terry Day & David Panton
- Paul G Smyth & Jennifer Walshe
- John Russell & Roger Turner
19 June 2016
- Faith Brackenbury & Martin Speake
- Alex Maguire
- Fang-Yi Liu & John Russell
15 May 2016
- John Rangecroft, Dave Tucker, Marcio Mattos & Mark Sanders
- Matilda Rolfsson, Hannah Marshall & Julie Kjaer
- Henry Lowther & John Russell
17 April 2016
- Matthias Boss, Phil Gibbs, Marcello Magliocchi & Jean Michel van Schouwburg
- Ola Paulson
- Mark Lawrence, Dominic Lash, Nick Malcolm & Tony Orrell
- Ken Ikeda & Simon Scott
20 March 2016
- Viv Corringham & Hannah Marshall
- Martin Archer, Hervé Perez & Peter Fairclough
- Sergi Sorrentino
- Lee Allatson & John Russell
21 February 2016
- John Jasnoch, Derek Saw & Adam Woolfe
- Matt Hutchinson
- Phil Minton & John Russell
17 January 2016
- Terry Day & Billy Steiger
- Kay Grant & Marcio Mattos
- Tanja Feichtmair & John Russell
20 December 2015
The Mopomoso Xmas Xtravaganza is a cross between a party and a celebration of all things improvised, celebrating the music in a series of 5 – 10 minute cameo sets:
Lynch / Thompson Nortey / Ren / Bennett Martin Vishnick Casserley / Hackett Stoddart / Ross Hallett / Hutchinson / Sands / Wang / Pignon Bohman / Northover Eastley / Beresford / Solberg Mackness / Minton / Blunt / Bennett Brie / Gurung / Day Chapman / West / Hutchinson Panton / Day Grant / Weston Chen / Wang / Hallett / Morris / Russell Tomlinson / Wilkinson / Tucker / Solberg The Mopomoso Team (Chondros/ Eyles/ Grant/ Russell/ Tucker)